Is Your School Prepared?

Career Colleges have been called into question by the policy community regarding the quality of data used to estimate the value of student outcome.  To restore credibility, ACICS has introduced an improved placement verification and quality assurance process.   The largest fundamental change is member institutions will be required to record and maintain placement information and meta-data beyond what is required in the ACICS Campus Accountability Report.

Key ACICS Council Changes to Implement:

  • Maintain sufficient supporting data for placement verification. This information must be submitted to ACICS upon request
  • On a recurring basis, maintain supporting documentation to provide to an ACICS visit team, state or federal agency; should minimally include the following:
    • Placement by Title – the student’s job title, the published list of titles for which the program prepares students, and a list of the skills required by the graduate’s job.
    • Placement by Skills – a description of the skills taught in the program and a list of the skills required by graduate’s job.
    • Placement by Benefits – Student attestations are required only for students whose placements are based on “the benefit as a catalyst in obtaining or maintaining the position.”

In addition, ACICS has modified the visit team process to be more robust to verify files of graduates who are classified as placed or unavailable for placement.  IntegriShield can help your institution manage the new robust files with:

  • Written documentation such as Verification of Employment form, Waiver of Placement etc…
  • Recorded MP3 audio of all phone calls
  • Email correspondence and detailed notes about each graduate

Contact IntegriShield (opens in a new window) for more information on how we can help with these new changes.  Call us at 888-547-7110 or send us an e-mail at