Nowadays there are many rules and regulations for online marketing, making it difficult to know what should and should not be present on landing pages. In order to be sure your landing page is compliant check out this list of key factors and requirements.
• Privacy Policies: When collecting an inquiry’s information a privacy policy including a statement informing them of what you plan on doing with their information and how you plan on contacting them is necessary. To contact potential inquiries via phone or email is illegal without their permission.
• TCPA Consumer Consent: In addition to the privacy policy, TCPA language is required on a lead form when you are collecting contact information stating how you plan on contacting the inquiry. This protects consumers from unwanted autodialed and/or robocalls. An example of compliant TCPA language is as follows;
By entering my information and clicking “SUBMIT” I am providing express consent to be contacted by via email, phone and text, including my wireless phone number, regarding product and servicing information using automated technology. Standard message and data rates may apply to text messages. I also understand that I may be contacted by this school via email and/or phone.
• Program Disclosures: When programs are present on your site, you need to provide inquiries with program disclosure information. The U.S Department of Education released a new template for consumer information documents in November of 2013 requiring a new layout for program disclosure information in effect by the end of January 2014 . Although not required on all landing pages we also recommend that program accreditation statements are provided to inquiries. However, not just the acronym, the statement in its entirety. Some accrediting bodies require that you provide their address and/or phone number, you will need to check with the accrediting body guidelines for this information.
• Accurate Information: Lastly, when creating a landing page you want to make sure that all of the information presented is correct. The most common mistake is providing outdated or incorrect information such as logos, programs, statistics, addresses, web copy and so forth. IPEDS and Client websites are two great tools for verifying the most accurate information. IPEDS is a data collection program for the National Center for Education Statistics, and information is collected over three periods (Fall, Winter, and Spring) each year. Institutions are required to fill out these surveys if they participate in any federal financial assistance program authorized by Title IV.
For questions or concerns regarding landing pages, please contact IntegriShield at
It is currently difficult to be proactive because we don’t know what regulations and enforcement…